Nicky, my beautiful and soulful daughter at "We Work For Cheese" has given me a glorious "Sunshine Award". I'm too full of emotion to even express what this means to me. She is a Goddess among woman, a shooting star, an enigma and a holy personage in my book. I adore her and have asked Nicky and all those kids she went and had to come and live with me. I think Alex (my husband) will support us all, but in case he can't, smart young boys can be put to work, no doubt! One of her son's Jake is obviously a genius and Alex will be a good influence in making sure this guy gets rich and famous!
There are a lot of directions attached to this award, and unfortunately, I am very challenged when it come to directions. I try, but usually I am not successful in following them. People may think I am dumb (as in stoopid not speechless) because of this, but I assure you that is not the case. I just cannot do multiple things in a row since it's not how I think.

Mike, at Too Many Mornings. He's strange but very attractive to me. (And to Nicky, from what she tells us.) He's so good at just lighting up the blogosphere!
There's Sammy at "To Unravel". Simply hot.
There's my darling girl at "How Much Longer Till Friday". She is the funniest and funnest girl I know! I simply love her.
Ziva of Ziva's Inferno, who I would give a butt transplant to, if she needed one! (But we all know that gorgeous green Fin has a perfect ass already.)
Laura at The Purse Blogger who is an adorable and gorgeous woman married to a very smart guy who has passed the BAR on the first try.
Lee at Token Blogger who rocks my world with her amazing talent and beauty!
Jen at Redhead Ranting who should have called herself "Ravishing Redhead" since that a lot more descriptive.
Jayne of In Jayne's World who is my idol. Enough said.
My darling Jay, (Cynical Bastard) who I love as a son. He's witty, smart and oh so studly! Jay is the best ride at the amusement park!
I'm not that great at counting either. So if I am doing a tally wrong, that's life!
I also love Terry at Oh For Pete's Sake and her gorgeous sister Kat at 2010 Year of Miracles. Another one of my girls is Menopausal New Mom who may be meno but she is one hot chick! Are you guys counting, because I am not! I really can't forget Glamazon at Glamazon Mormon Mom either. Or Suzicate (Water Witch's Daughter) or Peg (Square Peg in a Round Hole). There is also Dual Mom at We're at Dad's That Week and she rocks my world. There are many more but I'm sure I'm giving this to a few more than allotted already! So sue me!
My last two Sunshine awards have to go to Harry and Honey. I realize they don't really have blogs, but they are the sunshine of my life too!