I have to say that the first thing one of my ex-husbands noticed about me were my "little skinny legs". He called them "toothpick" legs. I bed to differ. These legs are damn good legs.
Unfortunately, that is not enough to get me a bus ride across town. Well, actually, that's not true. I do have bus drivers who are very fond of me and my legs, both men and women.
I've always had a soft spot for bus drivers. I don't really know why. Maybe it's the uniforms. Maybe it's because I see them as taking responsibility for a bunch of different people.
When I was about 25, I had a bus driver named Joe who would actually park his bus in front of my apartment and come up and knock at my door if I was running late. He would also grab one of my kids and carry them out to the bus so I could take them to their respective childcare places on my way to work.
This same bus driver came to my place for Christmas more than once. It pays to have friends in high places!
One morning, several years ago I was on a bus in San Francisco. The bus driver called me up to the front of the bus and told me he had a call for me. I took his phone and it was my old bus driver Joe who had seen me getting on this bus. I was flabbergasted but delighted. He said he was pretty sure it was me, and then he saw my legs and he knew it was me.
I commuted by bus from Alameda to San Francisco for several years. One young lady bus driver was having a legal dilemma and I wrote letters for her to help her with her situation. This young lady on occasion would hijack her entire busload of people to take me to my home even though I was not on the bus route she drove.
Another bus driver, a man, liked me and gave me free monthly bus passes. that other people had on his bus. Hey! Commuting isn't cheap!
I may not always like my introverted (really) personality. I may not always like my fat butt.
But, damn it, I always like my legs!