Some days, there just nothing like a threesome. This is one of those days!
This is not my first threesome. When I was 30, I spent a lovely night in bed on New Years Eve between two gorgeous Irish lassies! It was much more innocent than it sounds, but it is a night I've never forgotten. And yes, I was in the middle.
When I was about 40, I spent the night in bed between two sailors. This was also a lot more innocent than it sounds, but I'm not going to explain as I always like leaving just a little to the imagination. Plus, since we are discussing threesomes here, I think it's important that I have "street cred" if you will!
That done, I think it was on Friday, I was reading some of the delightful, charming, interesting, and thought provoking comments on one of my little articles. Sammy, the coolest dude in anybody's class, said he had something for me on his site, "To Unravel". Because it was Sammy, I raced right over and was delighted to find the prestigious "Versatile Blogger" Award! Since this award says poems, and I have never written one here, in honor of Sammy I am presenting my first poem ever on The Good, The Bad, The Worse! Here goes:
For Sammy
In old Khartoum, where the roses bloom, and the living is sweeter than candy,
We'll sit for a while, on the banks of the Nile, and admire whatever is handy.
Now there are of course some directions that come with this award, but I'm going to get to them in my own way in just a bit. Writing that piece of verse for Sammy took a lot out of me as I'm sure you can understand.
That same day, I continued on and found a little message from Small Town Girl over at How Much Longer Till Friday? Seems my ever enchanting STG had given me a Sunshine Award! Now if there's anything we need right now in my view, it's a little more sunshine in our lives! In fact, I just couldn't be happier to receive this award from this amazing Texas woman who can have me roaring with laughter one minute and on the verge of tears the next. If you have not made her acquaintance yet, I strongly suggest you do so. You won't be sorry.
That same day (if you can believe it!) I was checking out the awesome writer at "My Mercurial Nature" and I found that she had gifted me with the "Honest Scrap" Award. Ms. Nature has delighted me for many hours with her wit, charm, and parenting style wonderfuness! (Yes, I just coined that word for her!) I am delighted to receive the Honest Scrap because I kind of think it says it all!
Where was I? Okay, I'm sort of ad lib here, because I have such a challenge following directions. One thing was to tell stuff about me that you might not know. I think the award asked for 10 things, but here's my way of doing it. *I had a bad stutter as a kid. *That may be why I like to write. *I love drinking hot tap water. *Photos of me have been in magazines. *I'm not telling what kind of magazines.
Next, thank the giver. I think I did that. Sammy, if I didn't actually say "thank you" I wrote you a poem. To my other two lovely women gift givers, I say "Thank You!" with my whole heart. And I will write you poems too if you want.
Now I can pass these along to bloggers to tell them what high esteem I hold them in. So what I'm going to do is pass on the threesomes to each recipient so they can say they have had a threesome too!
1. The first recipient is Meleah at "Momma Mia, Mea Culpa". This lady has me hooked on "Doing Things Differently". She is hysterical and Oh My Word Gorgeous! I've laughed myself sick reading how she exercises to the point of exhaustion and then has a cigarette! I love her! Enjoy your threesome, Meleah!
2. Mike at "We Work For Cheese" is a very funny guy. He frets and obsesses over his garden, squirrels and/or cats attacking his tulips (my husband does not even know what a tulip is!) and is very fond of cheese. In other words, just about the perfect man. And Mike, here's your threesome!
3. Nicky at "We Work For Cheese" is astounding. I want her to come and live with me. She's the funniest, prettiest, and most talented girl in the whole world. I love her!
4. Ziva at "Ziva's Inferno" kind of defies description. She's amazing, mysterious, funny, wicked, and has the widest selection of costumes I've ever seen! (Ziva had Nicky dressed up in that Panda Costume for that movie you may remember.) She rocks! Go check her out, you won't be sorry!
5. Carol at "Life and Loves of The Bubble Bath Queen" is another recipient! Her articles jump off the page and make you say "Wow!" She's fun, sunny, upbeat, and the dating queen of the universe! Go say hi!
6. Paula at "How To Become A Cat Lady Without The Cats" is one of the most talented writers I've ever read. She has such wit, style, and sophistication that I feel humbled to be on the same page with her! But, Paula (AKA CatLadyLarew) is also a great woman to include in any threesome! She's simply "hot"!
7. And last but not least, (drum roll)... No list about threesomes or joy would be worth their salt if they didn't include Jen, the mistress of "Tribal Blogs" a wonderful community for writers to exchange ideas and interact, and the hostess of "Redhead Ranting". Jen is a Ravishing Redhead, and gives the words "Red Hot Mama" validation. She's spunky, witty, charming, and amazing and I think of her as one of my daughters! If you don't know her, you should!
Since I think I was supposed to give one award to 6 people, one award to 10 people, and one award to just 3 people, as usual, I have done things my own way. I figure that since I gave three awards to 7 people, that's 21, right? I'm in the ballpark anyway!