My girlfriend, Pilar, has a wonderful upscale little clothing shop named "Lilac" about a block away from our home.
Pilar is a gorgeous woman from the UK who is half English and half Persian. She's a delight!
I've made several purchases in her store, and we've discussed our mutual admiration for gin and tonics! She came by after work last night and we had drinks on the patio.
Pilar is in her late 30's, or maybe 40, about the same age as my daughter. She has a totally wonderful sense of humor, sparkling intelligence, and that fantastic British accent. We talk about our husbands, my kids, her two young children, my grandchildren, food, sex, and money. We are both experts in all these subjects.
When I dropped in to her shop today to see some new "cords" she had gotten in, I decided I had to have them. Cords are so perfect for winter and it will be winter here one day soon, although today it is 75 degrees outside.