I got this stunning award from the lovely Peg at
Square Peg In A Round Hole last weekend. I was delighted by the award, but have to admit, I had also gotten it from Peg's beautiful sister, Suzicate, at
The Water Witch's Daughter several weeks ago.
I put the award on my desktop, but then overlooked it for a spell and I'm really sorry. My brain gets cluttered sometimes and I think I'm catching Harry's ADD. And in case you were wondering what Kangaroos have to do with Karate, well, they look like they would be good at Karate, don't they?
I believe I'm supposed to list some things that I have mastered, but I am not good with following directions so I have to do it my way.
*I am a very good cook. That's why my husband and I are a little fat.
*I am a great pet owner. I take wonderful care of my dogs, my cat, and even my fish out in the pond. I feed them well, buy them toys, clean up their poop (and examine it to make sure it looks right every day), play with them, and teach them right from wrong. The amount of money we have spent at the vet's in the last few years would buy a nice home in many parts of the US, and would probably finance a revolution in several countries.
* I have mastered making my husband think I am doing things all day when I really am not. When he says "how was your day?" I say with a straight face "busy". He does not know I just read blogs all day and wait till he is on his way home to even get dressed.
* I am good at talking on the phone for hours at a time.
* I am good at not laughing when somebody is saying something that I think is dumb. I try and use my Mexican Oprah expression on them and say things like "Very interesting."
* I am really a master at wearing high heel shoes and I've worn nothing else since I was 14 years old. Yes, I can walk for miles in them and yes I can run in them.
Okay, now I get to pass this on to six awesome bloggers:
First goes to My Kentucky Girl, Lee, at
Token Blogger. Lee is a very talented and funny lady. She also makes wonderful videos that she shares on her blog. She did some amazing videos for me! Check her out! And if you have kids or pets or something you want on film, talk to Lee!
Small Town Girl is enough to make me want to move to Texas (except for the hot part). She's hysterically funny!
Sammy, at
To Unravel is another favorite of mine. He's hot, funny, studly, with some "Father Knows Best" mixed in. And he's got the most gorgeous family I have ever seen.
Nicky, Mike, and Jepeto are the best time you can have with your clothes on. If you haven't been to "
We Work For Cheese" you must go if for no other reason than to see the photos of Nicky (gorgeous, bosomy 22 year old), Jepeto (hot as a firecracker but a little kinky), and the handsome but shy Mike (but the back of his head is sexy as all get out.)
Ziva, the mysterious and glamorous, at
Ziva's Inferno. She makes strong men (and women - ask me and Nicky) weak in the knees. I really am thinking about leaving California and moving to Finland just because of Ziva. She is a goddess!
Shoot, is that right? Is that six? I mean, if I count We Work For Cheese as three, then I've got 7. I told you I have trouble following directions. Don't eat a cake I made if you come to my house.