Wednesday, May 19, 2010

John And The Whore Plus Four

When "Jon and Kate Plus Eight" was losing popularity, my son John told me he wanted to contact the networks with his own idea for a reality show. Yes, he thought "John and the Whore Plus Four" could slip right in and take over with great ratings.

It might not be nearly as funny to me if everyone of them did not have the glow of good health, innocence of pure hearts, clear skin, all their teeth, and fine moral fiber, (sort of like Catholic Osmond's). I thought about suggesting that he title his show "Kate and the Bore Plus Four", but had to acknowledge it didn't really have the same ring to it.

John is a partner in a law firm. He's smart, funny, and pretty charming. Kate splits her time between taking kids places, working as a substitute teacher, creating art projects, and running marathons. She is also a world class chef, and swills champagne with strawberries at the bottom after 6 AM runs. In other words, yes, she is my kind of girl.

When John gets home from his 12 hour day, Kate can be found with a cocktail shaker in hand as he walks in the door, having mixed him the perfect Marker's Mark Manhattan. I have seen the weary roll right off his face at the sight of his lovely wife, shaking the cocktail (and a little more for emphasis). Watching that little shake, I have to realize, yes, there is a reason this woman has four kids!

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