Friday, February 5, 2010

Oh Cindy, Give Me A Break!

I had the TV turned on to the news this morning and forgot about it. I left it on after the newscast was over. From the bathroom, I could hear somebody oohing and ahhing over Cindy Crawford and her amazing beauty. I agree, she's gorgeous.

Okay, then comes the infomercial. Buy this! It's what Cindy Crawford uses to keep herself looking liked THIS at the age of 43. Well, excuse me all to hell, but are they saying that 43 is an advanced age? Is it really such a surprise that a 43 year old woman would be beautiful and have great skin? Uh, I thought most beautiful 43 year olds still had great skin.

I'm not taking anything away from Cindy, but I find it ridiculous that advertisers are touting her as being 43 (in the same tone one might say 93) and looks so youthful! 43 is YOUTHFUL. Damn! The product being offered really isn't my complaint. I have no idea if it's any good or not. But to me it is not true, or psychologically healthy,or smart to advertise on the assumption that a 43 year old woman is an old woman.

Now don't get me started on feminine hygiene products. Those assumptions tick me off too!


  1. Young 43-year old Cindy Crawford appears to have had Work Done, too. My-my-my.

  2. You may be right, but the thing is, since when isn't 43 young? I can see it if they were saying "Helen Mirren looks amazing for her age" because she does. This is more like Miley Cyrus looks great for her age!

  3. You're right...43 is young, young YOUNG. Its not only what you put ON your skin but its what's IN your genetic make-up too.

  4. Absolutely, Val. Drinking water probably does more to promote good skin than any 20 pounds of product.

  5. Gee... if Cindy Crawford is old, I must be positively ancient. (And not well preserved at all!)

  6. Dear Cat Lady! Au contraire, Honey. From your picture you are gorgeous! (And have great skin even without Cindy's cream.)

  7. LOL boys just have deodorant and some personal hygeine schedules.....

  8. Trey seems to me everybody wants you to cover up the gray hair, (head and facial), pump iron (okay okay on that one), use something for jock itch, for athletes foot, and get some hair planted on those thinning parts! It's not just the gals!

  9. Okay, Linda, your post was good, but the above comment really hit home for me. Hubs has so many beauty products he's taken over our bathroom...and don't get me started on the minoxidil or the hair dye for that which he has left...

    Oh, and I'll be sending you a blog award. Let you know soon.

  10. Alyssa, Alex (my husband) is such a clothes horse he makes me tired. He will try on 15 white shirts just to find "the right one". And the jeans! Oh God! The jeans! And the shoes! But they (men) all act like it's juse the women who trip on this stuff. Uh huh.
