The thing is, I spent half my life going up! It was slow and measured and not really thrilling most of the time. Pass that half-way point and damn! It all goes so fast! Here we are already at the end of my birthday month tomorrow. Now don't go hating on me, you folks in most of the country, but in California, February is the start of Spring! We'll even get some "fake" summer days if the previous years are any measure.
I really have no big issues with aging. I'm still me and it's a give and take thing. The bad is that I probably don't look quite as fetching as I did several years ago. The good is that my eyesight is such that I just don't see it! The bad is that I have gained a few pounds. The good is that my butt looks great for the first time in my life! I am no longer that skinny-assed woman! I still have most of my marbles and that's a good thing! I have less muscle tone and that's not so good, but, it could be worse.
When my contemporaries moan about botox shots and face lifts, I sometimes have to hide a snicker! Why would I do that? I look great! (And, no, I do not have a mirror with magnification! What a stupid invention!)
Still, it's the passage of time that seems to have speeded up to the point of "whoosh"! I'm racing too fast toward a finish line that I'm not really anxious to cross. I'm all for the "heaven" concept. Even reincarnation doesn't upset me as a concept. It's just that I have never been a "speed freak" or a thrill seeker. I guess it's time to change that!
I have to admit I'm still enjoying the ride!