Wednesday, February 12, 2014

One Bite

Mathew awoke feeling feverish, sweaty and bruised. 

He was shocked awake while in the middle of an very erotic and strange dream.  Mathew felt comfort when he saw his wife, Trish, lying peacefully beside him still in the arms of slumber.

His limbs felt heavy and he felt as if he had a hangover even if he had not been drinking the night before.  Strange dream, he thought and then some of the dream came back to him.  There was the woman.  There was the hotel room.  There was putting his arms around her as she gazed out the window.  Then there was the way she turned to face him in an embrace.

He remembered her taking his hand and slipping his middle finger into her mouth and sucking gently.  He also remembered that caused him to feel an electric shock through his whole body.

And then nothing.  Did it end there?  What was he missing?  Damn!  What happened to the good part?

Mathew quietly got out of bed, careful not to disturb his wife.  He went into the bathroom and turned on the shower.  As he pulled his pajama top off, it stuck to his skin and he thought "what the hell?".  He eased the fabric off of his shoulder and was horrified to see what looked like a bite mark.

His mind raced as he tried to reconstruct his evening.  Dinner with Trish, an hour or so of television and a little bit of time on Facebook (his guilty pleasure).  In bed by 10:30 and asleep by 10:45.  What caused the place on his shoulder?

As he stepped into the steaming hot water and felt it wash over him, a feeling of guilt and shame overwhelmed him.  He remembered flashes of his dream, the woman, the hotel room, the embrace, the woman's sucking mouth.  Mathew felt like crying.  If he could betray Trish so easily in his dream, could it be that much more difficult to betray her in real life?  The answer shamed him but also excited him.

In another City, a woman smiled and thought about tasting the flesh of Mathew's shoulder with just one bite.

The prompt for this little missive was "One Bite".  I hope you enjoyed it but I probably won't do any more "porn" for a while.  To see who else did what else, please check out "We Work For Cheese" for a list of participants.